Coronavirus has transformed the way we live, work and interact. At this moment, we understand more than ever how essential content and information are.
That’s why we created this page. To serve as your support center for whenever questions arise or if you need suggestions on getting through this complex moment together.
First of all, we want to make it clear that we’re not authorities on this subject, but there are trustworthy sources to keep yourself up-to-date.


Our goal here is simply to curate essential information from these sources.

Where to find information

Trustworthy sources:
World Health Organization
World Health Organization

Official information about the coronavirus, with advice for the public, situation reports and FAQs.

Pan American Health Organization
Pan American Health Organization

Real time updates on the spread of the virus, its consequences and response strategies.

Apple COVID-19
Apple COVID-19

In partnership with the CDC, features a screening tool, recommendations on next steps and when to contact a healthcare provider.


What you need to know

Key information about Coronavirus, including symptoms, transmission and prevention.
What is Coronavirus?
How is it transmitted?
What are the symptoms of coronavirus?
How to prevent coronavirus?
I believe I have coronavirus.
What should I do?
Preparing your house if someone you live with may have coronavirus
What is Coronavirus?

The name Coronavirus refers to a large group of related viruses with a crown-shaped structure, studied in humans since the 1960s. They cause respiratory infection and can lead to other diseases, such as Severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) and Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS).

Discovered in China at the end of December 2019, the disease caused by the novel coronavirus was given the name COVID-19. The first death was recorded on January 9, 2020.

Source: G1

What is Coronavirus?

How is it transmitted?
What are the symptoms of coronavirus?
How to prevent coronavirus?
I believe I have coronavirus.
What should I do?
Preparing your house if someone you live with may have coronavirus
How is it transmitted?

Three ways:
# Respiratory airways: through the air via small droplets produced by infected individuals sneezing or talking.
#Physical contact: when droplets containing the virus reach the mucous membranes of the eyes, nose and mouth, through kissing or hugging.
#Contaminated surfaces: when droplets containing the virus accumulate in locations such as handrails door handles and then make contact with the mucous membranes of the eyes, nose and mouth.

Source: G1

What is Coronavirus?

How is it transmitted?
What are the symptoms of coronavirus?
How to prevent coronavirus?
I believe I have coronavirus.
What should I do?
Preparing your house if someone you live with may have coronavirus

Common symptoms

Runny nose
Sore throat

Severe cases

High fever
Breathing difficulties

What is Coronavirus?

How is it transmitted?

What are the symptoms of coronavirus?
How to prevent coronavirus?
I believe I have coronavirus.
What should I do?
Preparing your house if someone you live with may have coronavirus
How to prevent coronavirus?


The best ways to protect yourself against the novel coronavirus are washing your hands and sanitizing surfaces, such as furniture and handrails. Even after washing your hands, avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth. In addition, regularly clean your space and keep it ventilated.
The WHO also warns against sharing personal items, such as cutlery and towels. It also recommends keeping at least a meter away from people sneezing or coughing.

What is Coronavirus?

How is it transmitted?

What are the symptoms of coronavirus?

Como prevenir o coronavírus?

I believe I have coronavirus.
What should I do?
Preparing your house if someone you live with may have coronavirus
I believe I have coronavirus. What should I do?
Runny nose + Sore throat + Fever + Cough + Breathing difficult

Seek emergency care

Using a mask or some form of face covering (e.g. a scarf or bandana).

Runny nose + Sore throat + Fever + Cough

Contact health care provider for guidance

Using a mask or some form of face covering (e.g. a scarf or bandana).

Runny nose + Sore throat + Fever

Stay alert at home

Runny nose + Sore throat

Stay at home

Source: Prefeitura de Belo Horizonte

What is Coronavirus?

How is it transmitted?

What are the symptoms of coronavirus?
How to prevent coronavirus?

I believe I have coronavirus.
What should I do?

Preparing your house if someone you live with may have coronavirus

Preparing your house if someone you live with may have coronavirus

Don’t share cups, cutlery or plates.
Keep windows open to allow the air to circulate and let in sunlight, if possible.

Use separate garbage cans.

If sick, always cook wearing a mask.

Keep the door closed. Clean door handles.

Change your own bed sheets.

Don’t share towels and facecloths.
Use liquid soap.
After bathing, disinfect surfaces: sink, tap, toilet.

Disinfect furniture.

Don’t share the sofa.
Keep at least 2 meters away from infected
Use a face mask or covering.

Source: G1

What’s real and what’s fake news?

We see a lot of information out there, but what’s true and what’s fake news? Find out!

Can pets transmit the novel coronavirus?

Warmer temperatures help to fight the novel coronavirus.

Coronavirus can be transmitted by asymptomatic patients.

The virus can survive on surfaces for up to 72 hours.

Thermometers are effective at identifying people infected with the novel coronavirus.

There is medication to prevent and treat COVID-19.

It is not necessary to stock supplies

Se eu tomar vacina para gripe tenho menos chances de contrair o Coronavírus

Take care of your mental health!

We are in the middle of an uncertain and turbulent time. Be sure to give extra attention to your mental health!

Watch out for an excess of information


Avoid being connected with news all the time, as it can result in feelings of uncertainty and worry. If you notice this having a negative effect on you, take a break and look for uplifting content and activities that help you feel well. Filter how much and what kind of information you receive and look for positive content to share.

Take care of your body

Try to engage in physical activity and eating healthy. Relaxing, meditating and stretching can have a positive influence on both your physical and mental health. Avoid the use of substances with negative impacts, such as drugs or too much alcohol. A good night of sleep is also very important for a strong immunological system.

Do things you enjoy

Listen to some good music, take an online course, read that book you’ve been meaning to or watch that TV show everyone’s been talking about can do some good. Enjoy the time available for this.

Take the time to get organized

You know that mess in your closet, those folders and photos on your computer, your email inbox, your house plants? Take some time to keep yourself busy and allow your mind to relax.

Try to create a routine

Try to do things at the same time each day, developing a routine for work as well as for taking care of yourself. This will help keep things more calm and organized.

Connect with people

Save a part of your day to chat with other people and interact with those in your home. Whether talking about work, studying or just how things are going, don’t emotionally distance yourself from everyone!
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