Let’s talk about something big that happened in the last few days. The SEO community was buzzing with excitement and a bit of shock because some internal Google documents were leaked, revealing a lot about how ranking on SERPs really works. The Beat has arrived to dive into the juicy details of what exactly was leaked, as well as data on AI content on SERPs, and how you can increase your conversions by 431% (proven case). Dive in.
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In the last few days, there was a leak of internal Google documents packed with details about how Google’s search engine works behind the scenes. For those in SEO, it felt like finding a secret treasure map. These leaked documents give us solid information about what Google actually looks at when ranking websites. This article breaks down the key takeaways and provides actionable steps to improve your search rankings.
A lot has been discussed about the excessive use of AI-generated content without human editing and its consequences. More recently, the Google leak and the last core update confirmed what we already suspected: content quality is essential for achieving results. But does this mean that only content created by humans can succeed? In this article, we will analyze data from various studies and share some of our own results at Rock Content to answer, with data, the following question: Can AI-generated content be as effective at driving marketing results as human content? Join us.
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