The Beat | September 29, 2023

Should you worry about Domain Authority?

It's the last Friday of September, and also the last business day before the last quarter of 2023. There's still time to boost your marketing strategies and results, and we're here to help you with that. In this edition of The Beat, we're going to talk a lot about SEO, AI, and interactivity. Come along with us.

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Should you worry about Domain Authority? Learn to read and use this SEO metric effectively

Germano Ferreira

Content Strategist

Have you ever wondered about the importance of domain authority in your SEO strategy? Whether you’re a business owner or a marketing professional, this metric should be on your radar. It could be the key to enhancing your website’s visibility on search engines. In this article, we’ll delve into domain authority in detail: what it is, why it matters, and how to optimize your domain with an eye on search engine rankings. Whether you’re a novice or an SEO expert, this content will help you make the most of this metric and improve your search engine results.
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How to earn high-quality backlinks in 2023

Lori R.

Content written by one of our 15,000 freelance talents. Learn more about it here.

Backlinks are one of the top two most important factors Google uses to rank websites. Learning how to earn these links can spell the difference between success and failure for your site. Notice we said  “earn” and not “build.” The idea that you can build backlinks to your site is erroneous. You can’t put links to your site on other sites and expect a boost in Google’s search results. Rather, you have to earn backlinks by creating winning content. It may consist of text, video, audio, interactive web pages, images, or infographics. In this article, we delve deeper into how to earn high-quality backlinks and the main tactics that have been proven effective this year.
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Tested and approved: AI Persona Builder for creating buyer personas in minutes

Germano Ferreira

Content Strategist

You probably already know what a buyer persona is and its importance within a marketing strategy. However, you might still feel uncertain about defining your brand’s persona(s). Well, since Artificial Intelligence has become the buzzword of the moment, in this article we’ll show you how to use AI to make your personas more precise using the AI Persona Builder. We invited one of our content strategists to share his personal experience with the tool, the benefits it brings to his daily routine, and to explore various scenarios for its use in digital marketing. Join him on this journey.
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How to create interactive content even if you don’t know what HTML is

Sylvia Szterenfeld

Project Manager

Is it possible to create interactive experiences like quizzes, calculators, and interactive pages without ANY coding knowledge? We're here to prove that YES, YOU CAN. In this article, our project manager shares her experience managing over 50 interactive content creation projects in a breeze, despite not knowing a single thing about HTML and still being unsure about what CSS stands for. Want to expand your content possibilities? After reading this article, you'll realize it's easier than you think. 
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