The Beat | August 18, 2023

New AI for content outlines

Who hasn't turned to AI to enhance their marketing efforts in 2023? We certainly have. There are two things that can determine the success or failure of this tactic: which AI you use and how you use it. In this edition of The Beat, we'll introduce an artificial intelligence created specifically to help professionals identify opportunities and create content briefings based on reliable data. We'll also discuss social media metrics in 2023, the Women's World Cup, and how we increased e-book conversions by over 400% with interactivity. Grab your coffee and join us in The Beat!

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How can the AI Content Wizard be used to craft ideas and create efficient content outlines?

Julia Araujo

SEO Planner

Crafting effective content outlines is a recurring task for marketers and content professionals. Thanks to the magic of AI, a process that could take hours can now be streamlined in minutes. Enter the AI Content Wizard, a brand-new tool specifically designed to assist marketers in content outline creation and idea generation - utilizing real data and providing personalized content opportunities with just a few prompts. In this special article, we demonstrate its practical usage, whether you're a solo marketer or part of a large, advanced marketing team. Dive in now!
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How do we use interactive content in Rock Content’s marketing strategy?

Raphael Pires

Digital Marketing Analyst 

Have you ever used interactivity in your content marketing strategies? A staggering 79% of marketers agree: interactive content improves messaging retention. Here at Rock Content, we've effectively harnessed the power of interactive tools such as quizzes, polls, calculators, and even this newsletter to reshape our audience engagement. In this article, we pull back the curtain to reveal how we've leveraged the potential of interactivity, magnifying engagement and achieving substantial results. Follow us!
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⚠️ Spoiler alert: 
We increased a rich material’s conversion by a staggering 431% using interactivity. Read to learn more and get inspired!

13 top Social Media metrics to track in 2023

Rock Content Writer

Content written by one of our 15,000 freelance talents. Learn more about it here.

Social media metrics are among the most important marketing indicators, as well as some of the trickiest. Firstly, due to the constant changes in algorithms and usability of the major platforms. Secondly, because of the different metrics across each network, as they can create more noise than effectively help guide your strategy. But don't worry, we've got you covered. We've listed the top 13 metrics you need to keep an eye on in 2023 for your social media platforms. Read it now.
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Women’s World Cup in marketing: A take on equality and missed opportunities

Luana Dias

Diversity & Social Impact |
Marketing and Communication Analyst

As the 2023 Women’s World Cup approaches its conclusion this Sunday, the spotlight on what has become the most sponsored and broadcasted women's sports event ever will dim. Amidst this reflection, one cannot help but notice the untapped potential within the playing field of branding and sponsorship during this FIFA Women’s World Cup. Curious to explore this further? Let's reflect together in the full article.
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