The Beat | June 30, 2023

Conversion-Oriented SEO: Our step-by-step process

When you think of SEO, we bet your mind goes straight to blogs and organic traffic. Are we right? Well, while building your audience and increasing brand awareness are fantastic goals (and trust us, we know!), there's one thing that really gets businesses excited in the world of content marketing: conversions. In this The Beat, we'll take you on a step-by-step journey to embrace a conversion-focused SEO approach. But that's not all – we'll also dive into the new metric from Google Search Console, share a success story that will provide you with valuable insights, analyze different brands, and much more. It's the last Friday of June, so take a deep breath, grab your cup of coffee, and join us for The Beat!


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Conversion-Oriented SEO: Ranking bottom of the funnel landing pages [our step-by-step]

Julia Araujo

SEO Planner

Rock Content didn't become a leader in content marketing by chance. Over the past decade, our SEO efforts have been dedicated to driving traffic and building brand awareness, resulting in an 80% increase in traffic on our English website  in the past year alone. However, like many mature B2B SaaS companies, we realized that it was time to take a step further and focus on the ultimate goal of any business: conversions. In this super special article, we'll take you behind the scenes and share how our SEO team dove deep into analysis, uncovered juicy opportunities, and transformed our entire website and landing pages into an organic conversion-generating machine. Curious about the shift from traffic-obsessed SEO to conversion-obsessed SEO? Get ready to be amazed and check out the full article.
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New metric in Google Search Console: Interaction to Next Paint (INP)

Germano Ferreira

Content Strategist Analyst

Here comes Google causing butterflies in the SEO professional’s belly once again! Now the news is that Interaction to Next Paint (INP) that will replace the First Input Delay (FID) in the Core Web Vitals report of Search Console. But don’t worry, this time we won’t be in a rush, as Google has given you a distant deadline to carry out the optimizations on your website: March 2024. Well, we want you to be prepare. In this article, you’ll fing a brief description of what these metrics are, the concept of INP and how SEO professionals and brands can optimize their websites for this change. Join us!
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How RivalMind increased their content production by 67%

Raphael Pires

Digital Marketer

As a full-service digital marketing agency, RivalMind offers a wide range of marketing services for small and medium-sized businesses across a number of specialized industries, from website development and design to SEO, paid media, and social media. But here's the challenge they faced: creating top-notch content that's specific to each industry they serve. It wasn't easy finding writers who had the specialized industry knowledge required for each client. However, RivalMind not only tackled this challenge head-on but also managed to increase their content production by an impressive 67%, delivering exceptional content to clients while consistently meeting deadlines. To unveil the secret behind their process, delve into this compelling case study and prepare for valuable insights into their remarkable journey.
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Brands like Chipotle and Starbucks are shaping products based on TikTok trends. Is it really a good idea, though?

Kamila Dantas

Partner Onboarding Analyst

The preferences of TikTok users, as highlighted in a recent report by The Wall Street Journal, are calling the shots when it comes to product development and release strategies for businesses. With a mind-blowing 50 million daily active users, TikTok has become the place where trends explode and influencers reign supreme. And brands are paying a lot of attention to it, as we saw in companies like Chipotle and Starbucks, who have revamped their menus and offerings to satisfy the cravings of TikTok's influencer-driven content. In this article, we dive deep into the wild world of Influencer Marketing on platforms like TikTok, and the pros and cons of tweaking business strategies based on influencer impact, from accelerating product launches to making your business rely on ever-changing trends. Ready? Jump right into the article.
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Keith Lee and Alexis Frost helped popularize the Chipotle quesadilla hack on TikTok

Crash course on how I use interviews to drive Marketing success

Pedro Lopes

Growth Marketer

Over the past decade, content formats in the marketing world have undergone remarkable transformations. The evolution from static to interactive content and the shift from PNGs to MP4s highlight the dynamic nature of the industry. With the rise of the pandemic, interviews have emerged as a mainstream tool across various platforms, including podcasts, videos, and social media channels. Recognizing their potential, we have consistently leveraged interviews as a valuable marketing asset. In this article, we are thrilled to have our Growth Marketer share recent experiences of integrating interviews into our marketing strategy. Get ready to dive into our personal results and gain insightful perspectives.
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In data we trust

25% of marketers are planning to incorporate interviews into their strategies for the first time this year, according to the 2023 State of Marketing Report .
For further tips on leveraging interviews in marketing, we encourage you to explore the 2023 State of Marketing Report.

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