Welcome to the Infographic Best Practices Tour!

Interactive infographics are one of our most popular interactive content types. We have guided our customers through the process of creating them, iterating them, and testing elements within them. Through years of research, we have learned what resonates with users and what doesn’t.

The Content

Utilizing the Content to Show Value

A great infographic starts with great content. Let's dive into the elements you should consider when building and strategizing your content for an infographic. 

Choose a Compelling Topic

Find a topic your target audience is interested in by asking yourself who, what, and how. Who is the targeted audience? What issues do they have or solutions do they need? How can you better communicate the solutions and connect it with reputable data?

Add a Navigation

Infographics are long, scrollable pages that have a lot of content on them. Make it easier for users to navigate to the topics that are relevant to them by adding in a navigation in the header.

Keep the CTA Prominent

Infographics should be informative and educational but they should also have a goal. Your CTA should be present upon landing and it is best practice to keep it “sticky” so that users can access it easily no matter where they are on the page.

Cite Your Sources

When using facts and figures make sure your sources are reliable and cite your sources. People want to know where you got your data and it makes the information more reputable.

Use a Compelling Title and Description for Sharing

Utilize a compelling title and description for sharing by using the metatags and OG tags inside the creative studio.

Strip Out Unnecessary Content or Elements

To keep users focused on progressing, remove any extra icons, spacing, or text.

It's All About the Visuals

Once you've crafted your content, it's time for design. Let's go through our best practices for creating an eye-catching, engaging design for your infographic. 

Keep Visuals Simple and Digestible

The content you decided to cover needs equally compelling visuals to make it stand out. Make those visuals simple and easy to digest, as they need to be able to deliver quick information to the viewer.

Keep Text to a Minimum

When possible, exchange typography for visual representations. Using visual elements to communicate your data will give it extra impact. Best practice is to keep to one or two sentences per fact or data point.

Choose effective data visualization

Choose visuals that represent the data accurately and effectively. Some ideas are charts, graphs, or illustrations. Consider what you’re trying to achieve, the message you’re communicating, and who you’re trying to reach when choosing your visuals.

Create content flow

The best infographics are ones that flow both cognitively and visually. They should be able to guide the reader's eye like a good story, guiding the viewer through a thought process.

Create visuals that can be scaled back for mobile

The best infographics are ones that flow both cognitively and visually. They should be able to guide the reader's eye like a good story, guiding the viewer through a thought process.

Leveraging Engagement to Collect Data

In an interactive experience, the most valuable piece is the data you'll unearth from your audience engagement. Let's take a look at how you can add interactivity to facilitate meaningful data. 

Capture Attention with Animations

Choose visuals that represent the data accurately and effectively. Some ideas are charts, graphs, or illustrations. Consider what you’re trying to achieve, the message you’re communicating, and who you’re trying to reach when choosing your visuals.

Add Quiz Questions

Test user knowledge about the topic using simple quiz questions.
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Make Content Easily Shareable

Give the user accessible options for sharing your content. By adding a "share this" or "Tweet this" component in your infographic, it encourages the user and makes them more likely to share the content.

Got Additional Assets? Share Them.

Once participants read through the infographic, they will want to learn more. Provide additional assets to keep users engaged and to move them further into the funnel.

Key Takeaways

We learned a lot of best practices in this guide!
Click on the boxes below to reveal the key takeaways from each section.

The Content

  • Choose a compelling topic
  • Add a navigation
  • Keep the CTA prominent
  • Cite your sources
  • Use a compelling title and description for sharing
  • Strip out unnecessary content or elements

The Visuals

  • Choose effective data visualization
  • Keep text to a minimum
  • Create content flow
  • Create visuals that can be scaled back for mobile


  • Capture attention with animations
  • Add quiz questions
  • Make content easily shareable
  • Share any additional, relevant assets

Benefits of Infographics

Benefits of Infographics

Benefits of Infographics

Learn about your prospects based on their own behaviors. This data can be leveraged during sales calls or for future content opportunities.

Identify pain points

Identify pain points

Gather meaningful insights into user pain points and needs by their choices to the questions.

Personalized Experience

Personalized Experience

Create a more personalized experience for the user by only showing them content that is related to their needs.

Find an Infographic Quick Start

The Quick Start cloud includes over 150 Quick Start templates to help expedite your interactive content project. Under the infographic category, you will find dozens of Quick Starts that range from easy to difficult. Explore some of our infographic Quick Starts to find one that works for you! 
ion interactive Quick Start Report Card with Dynamic Assets

Branded Infographic

The Branded Infographic Quick Start tells the world who your organization is in an engaging and modern way. Animations and interactive elements entice visitors as they scroll through the single-page design. Interesting and compelling details about your product, service, or organization are revealed along the way. And, if you're looking for leads, calls-to-action are built in at the top and bottom of the page.

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ion interactive Quick Start 6 Category Assessment

Gated Infographic

The Gated Infographic Quick Start is the perfect digital experience to share your information with the world, while also capturing important lead information. This gated experience allows the user to scroll through the first section and then requests the user to fill out the form in order to unlock the rest of the content.
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ion interactive Quick Start Full Page Background Video

Infographic with Quizzes

This long page infographic is a modern, index-like Quick Start that provides witty, fun ideas for holding attention. It’s got nifty little quizlets built right in as visitors scroll through and participate. And it’s peppered with actionable calls-to-action that deliver a lightbox-based, lead-gen form.
View Quick Start
ion interactive Quick Start Report Card - Alternate Assessment

Easy Infographic

The Easy Infographic is one of our “easy” Quick Starts, designed to launch in under an hour, with minimal or no training. This infographic allows users to scroll through five sections about a specific topic. A CTA located in the navigation scrolls the user to the footer in order to complete a simple form.
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ion interactive Quick Start - Easy Assessment

Social Infographic

The Social Infographic includes several sections where you can encourage users to socially share stats, factoids, and important information about a product, service, or business. The long scrollable Quick Start leverages visually subtle animations, reveal tiles, and a video to encourage users to learn more about the product or service.
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ion interactive Quick Start Customer Testimonials Page

Timeline Infographic

The Timeline Infographic is a unique and engaging long page experience that provides an entertaining way to display the timeline of your product, service, brand, or organization. With animations and interactive elements along the way, visitors scroll through and participate as they learn more and create a deeper engagement with your brand. And it’s peppered with multiple calls-to-action that deliver a lightbox-based form for your lead-gen efforts.
View Quick Start

Want more guidance?

We can help you strategize, design, and implement successful interactive content today. Get in touch with us to discover how our services can help your team.