Achieve Goals


Even when we achieve all the goals we always can improve the process. I've been trying hard to make this everyday with my own process but I really can use this to help the entire team and to be more strategic for Rock.  



Divide the onboarding process in milestones, with more steps of activation can help understand the project's health. 
We can already use the HubSpot pipe but we can put more information that brings more data about the customers, like a dropbar with kinds of chalenges and something to measure customer development inside the project. 
We can use some resources to share and to work with the customer, like:





Simple, but cool.

A badge is a symbol of an achieve. Mini celebrations are important to the customer experience and help to engage customers




Scalable and Agile. 
A countdown is a simple resource to generate urgency for the project development. 




A measurer makes the process more clear and transparent. Through this resource the analyst can create an action plan to try to solve the gaps of the project.
It's also a good way to put the customer as the main responsible for the strategy success. 
With the Customer's Journey and the mapping of the touchpoints, set milestones for the onboarding is essential to identify gaps in the process. 

Interactive Onboarding

We have ion. So, let's bring the customer inside the experiences with an interactive onboarding. 
  • As a data-driven platform, ion can bring us some data about the customer.
  • We can try to make a standard experience, with gate sections and forms related to adoption of the product that customers need fill to unblock and advance on the onboarding.
  • For ion's customers, with new support features we also can made an entire onboarding inside the plattform.
  • Even for Studio's customers we can build an experience inside ion about Studio Process to make our process more low touch and scalable. 
We can create a Google Analytics account and put the script inside the interactive onboarding experience to measure the customers' behavior.


Besides all the SaaS theory that we need to study and keep us update, we need to look more for the market to understand how the process work in practice.

What other SaaS companies are doing? How the onboarding works in other companies?

I already made a Benchmark at HubSpot BR, for example, almost 1 year ago and was a nice experience to gave me insights to improve some process.

We need to research and to do this with more frequency.