Continuing the relationship in the Consideration stage!

Knowledge is power―for both you and your prospect. If the awareness stage was all about spreading the word about your brand, the consideration stage is an ongoing exchange of information.

Here, your potential customer is aware of their pain points and need for a solution, so they are trying to learn more about it. They are actively searching for options to narrow down what they prefer based on their needs.

Since at this stage you have learned their name, it is a continuation of the relationship you started earlier. That means educating your leads, earning their trust, and transforming general concepts into more concrete ones.

But how can you do that?

Think about what your lead wants to learn, what you want to learn about them, and your goal in the consideration stage.

The goal
Your lead wants to learn
You want to learn

The Goal

The goal in this stage is to inform, assist, and guide leads towards the decision, at the same time that you use the information you get to qualify your leads.

Your content should be highly educational and provide insights into why you’re the ideal solution for them.

The goal
Your lead wants to learn
You want to learn

Your lead wants to learn

# What do I need to consider when choosing a solution? 


# How does this solve my problem? Is it a good fit for my business?

The goal
Your lead wants to learn
You want to learn

You want to learn

# How qualified are our leads? Are they likely to make a purchase? What of our products are they a fit for?


# What are their pain points, and their main challenges?


# What does their ideal solution look like? What features and benefits are most pertinent to them?

What can you build to achieve that?

Here are some effective interactive content types for the consideration stage:

White papers
White papers


Assessments can be designed to help your lead identify pain points, see opportunities for improvement, and get recommendations that suit them as you collect valuable insights about their businesses.

Like this Assessment that shows you how good your marketing strategy is. Opens an Assessment in a new window.
White papers
White papers


eBooks are one of the most common types of content used to generate and educate leads, and for a very good reason: they are highly effective at that. Now, unlike static eBooks which are purely informational, interactive ones let users choose how they want to educate themselves―talk about engaging content!

Like this eBook that covers the secrets to lead generation. Opens an eBook in a new window.
White papers

White papers

White papers are very similar to eBooks and are highly educational too. However, they tend to tackle technical steps, features, or concepts. They are a great way to ease complex information.

Like this White paper on the complexities of immuno-oncology trials!Opens a White paper in a new window.